POOR MISS FINCH by Wilkie Collins

POOR MISS FINCH by Wilkie Collins

25 September 2009

Upcoming Serial: Gaskell's Wives and Daughters

Dear Serial Readers,

The results of the poll are clear: Elizabeth Gaskell's
Wives and Daughters, serialized monthly in The Cornhill from August 1864 to January 1866, is our next Victorian serial. Yes, this is the same magazine that ran Trollope's Small House of Allington. I recommend the Oxford UP edition (see sidebar) because the table of contents provides the installment divisions. But no matter about this, since I'll indicate each week what group of chapters comprise the next installment. We'll begin in two weeks (to allow time for people to obtain copies), and I'll aim to post on the first installment, chapters 1-3, on Sunday October 11th. Please spread the word! As an added attraction, there is a lovely BBC adaptation of this novel, and I have a copy for anyone nearby to borrow--or perhaps we'll have a serial viewing party!

In the meantime, do share your thoughts on the ending of
Romola! You can insert comments at the end of the previous post below!

Serially yours,

1 comment:

AFH said...

Great news! I'm looking forward to reading the Gaskell.